Monday, June 30, 2008

June 28,2008

We have a 3hour dialysis scheduled for this morning at 9am. Before the dialysis, we gave Camo a bath. He loves water so much - we knew this would feel good to him, and hopefully relax him as well. Camdyn did well through the dialysis process today; they were able to take out a little more fluid that he has been retaining. When he came back from the dialysis.. he was almost acting like the fun little Camdyn we have always known. He stood up and tried to walk (for the first time since Tues.,6/24).. we needed to hold his hands while he took a few steps, but that's okay! at least he is walking :):):) We took him for a ride around our floor in a wagon - loaded with lots of blankets, pillows and toys.. he liked to have daddy or whomever was pulling him in the wagon - to "race" others walking down the hallways. He took "1st place" every time :)

Camdyn had a good day today until we noticed something odd. Mommy was lying in bed next to him - while he napped.. and after sleeping a little over 3 hours.. he would open his glazed over eyes and reach out into midair and try to say something. We briefly thought he was just in a really good deep sleep.. but then began to worry when both mommy and daddy tried to sit him up and talk to him - and he could not focus his eyes on either of us. He even had a hard time holding up his own head. We immediately called for the nurse, who rushed over to our room. By this time, Camo had been acting delirious for almost 2 hours. We followed the nurses who took him down to the 2ND floor - to have a Ct Scan and X-rays.

Nothing extremely out of the ordinary appeared on the x-rays or scan.. which was good.. but the blood samples showed a very low blood count. This worried us quite a bit, since the red blood cells carry oxygen. The dr. told us he wanted to start a dialysis in the morning for at least 24 consecutive hours.

Camdyn slept okay this night.. but did require a sedative and some children's Tylenol for discomfort. Still hard to believe that our sweet angel baby Camo is here - in the hospital. We know we are at the very best possible hospital for our child. The doctors and nurses have been fabulous. Thankfully we all (family an friends) live nearby.

We thank you again for all your continued love and most of all for your sincere prayers. We need it!

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