Friday, July 11, 2008

July 10, 2008

This morning Camdyn's doctor came by and said after reviewing his labs from yesterday and over night - without being on the dialysis - are looking good... which means (you ready for this?!): CAMO GETS TO MOVE OUT OF I.C.U. TODAY!!! Oh my goodness! Thank God :)
We are now sitting comfortably (as comfortable as possible, for still being in a hospital) in our own private room, on a much calmer floor.
Camo's blood pressure is elevated and he has a bad headache (he has never once in his life complained that his head hurts... so this is a new pain for him). The nurse has given him Tylenol and blood pressure medicine to help relieve his discomfort. He has not eaten much of anything today, we think it is due to simply being exhausted. His cc's for the day today exceeded 600 :)
The dr. came by and said if a child's level is 1.0 or higher - they are pleased. Camo's level has increased to 0.7 :) we are getting there!!
He had a 2hour dialysis today and will possibly have this every day or every other day - we are not sure yet.
He is loving having his own room... (we do too! seeing as in the I.C.U. there is no privacy and the closest bathroom is down a few hallways and outside a secured area. That's a long walk - when you 'gotta go' in the middle of the night ;)
We took Camdyn on a wagon ride OUTSIDE today. He was loving this! We also took him up to the 4th floor to a wonderful play room they have created for children. (the picture attached is him in the play room.) He could not stop smiling :) He tried to stand up to reach into a large bucket of toys to pull out some big trucks - needed some help standing.. he is a little off balance. This is to be expected, seeing as he has been laying in bed for over 2 weeks straight now. This is hard for us to see, but also we are very happy and proud of him for the strength his is already beginning to show that he is regaining.
We are thanking our heavenly Father for his blessing he has shown us on our precious little man. Please continue to pray for him to gain strength and to be comforted. This is a very trying time for him... he is so ready to go home (tells us this over and over, several times a day).
Thank you all again for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad Camo is better I know he will love his own room. Love and prayers

Anonymous said...

Hey Camo
Woo hoo for all that good news! I just wanted to drop by to let you know that I'm still praying and to say Hook'm Horns!!! I miss saying that with you :). Love Ya!
Ms Keyia

Ms.Nan said...

Sweet Camo,
This is your Ms.Nan from Cornerstone.I hear you are under the weather,now we can't have that at all.I'm so sorry to hear about you not feeling to good.When I heard the news I ask Jesus to put his angels all around you and protect you from any more sickness.I believe he is going to make you better. I know your friends at school misses you and wants you to come back real soon.You keep up the good work on trying to get better.Tell Mom and Dad they are in our prayers to be strong and stand on faith.You get well soon.....

Love you alot!

Grandmommy and PaPa"G" said...

Hi Little Sugar! It was so good to see you laughing and playing with you Spiderman stickers tonight! We are so thankful for all the many prayers that have been lifted up to our Heavenly Father for you. You are REALLY loved by so many - and especially by Jesus! Praying that you and Mommy have a good night. She is taking such good care of you, and we are so proud of your sweet Mom. What a blessing! We love you sooo much, Cam - Grandmommy and PaPa"G"

Anonymous said...

Yay! We are continuing to pray for all of y'all. Camdyn is so blessed with all the love and prayers. My mom said his room was so nice and that it looked like a little toy store! I am glad to hear that my (2nd cousin?) is so wonderfully taken care of and never left alone. You all stay strong and know we love you all.

Ms Jennifer said...

Hey Camo

Just stopping by to say I am glad our prayers are getting to you. How awesome is it to finally have your own room. Continue to get well and we will continue our prayers. We cant wait to see your smiling face back at school.

Love ya!
Ms Jennifer and your preschool friends